Sunday, July 24, 2011

The sea of hundreds lost.

The biggest joke most people often said to me is “Graduate soon, and get a good job”

“I love what I have, I am, and I will - learned/learning/learn”

I was at the middle of the busy harbor, where I had no destination to go. People were busy taking chances on every room opens. They didn't even realize that the rooms were only for 2 people. It were just small and few rooms and there were hundreds of them filling their own paper written their name with their medals of honor. The papers were selling them in a very low price. But I didn't see what they saw; I saw blindness of unguided innocent and the laugh of the bourgeois. And I realized we were not one of the passengers and we won’t be, we were  something underwater they were fishing. It was just a matter of time for me, to became one of them, fighting and racing to take the bait.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

to contemplate.

what can be more sharper than a moon tonight
whose shine can cut off the dark and dim the light
the sky is bright with light sharper than a samurai
tear off the dark and brighten the eye

Yes! God can be so adorable for its masterpiece
so my question is,
if you, she, he, me, or even WE
can be so amazed with that shiny, gloomy, and sparkly --
why haven't we praise God already?