"nature is truth, and you got to see it with a wide naked eyes open"
As the native of Indonesia, I don’t really know what “Semeru” means. But that’s not important because whatever the name, its beauty has been poisoning my eyes first since I stepped my foot on its edge. the feeling of tired-caused-of-walking and climbing up the hills-for three hours was answered by the view in front of my eyes. I walk to the lake called “Ranu Kumbolo” and again, I don’t know what the name means (*sucks). The view is so pure, fresh, nature, and truth (“nature is truth”) now I understand why people are crazy about the beauty of nature, because once it poisons your eyes, it will attack your brain! And you’re brainwashed by its beauty!
The view of a beautiful Ranu Kumbolo has given me power to walk (again) to the next check point. And the road is getting harder. It goes up aaaallll the way! (*sucks) but it’s a challenge for me. Until I, see how Semeru looks when we are just so close…
Glory/Praise to GOD the maker of this all
This place is so called “Kalimati”, the dead river *translated. I stayed at the small shelter with four rooms. The shelter is not good, even it is not good enough because the roof has broken because the wind has flies them up. For me, it’s totally good enough to have place for the very cold night! and even it was GOOD!!!! perfekt!
We made a fire inside one of the room and we stayed all night there. Actually I was planning to climb up to the top of the mountain at the middle of the night, but there was problem with my left foot, I can hardly walk. *too shame
I fast forwarded the story until the sunshine came out. Ouch! You’ve got to see this directly with your fcukin open eyes on your fcukin own! I’m not kidding it’s totally amazing, beautiful, and I think all the words from A to Z will not be able to describe its beauty. Even my camera, my lens, they are not capable of doing such this beauty masterpiece of GOD.
It was so cold and I can see the dew was frozen, it becomes iced dew, or frozen dew! *thank GOD I had the fire in my shelter.
The first big smoke of Semeru I saw at about 7 a.m in the morning. It was so amazing! Totally amazing. The local people call it as “wedhus gembel” which is the metaphor of the smoke that is considered like a sheep (the fur).
And those amazing view, I saved in my biological memory and the presence of it still haunting my mind because I haven’t had chance to step on the very top of it. Then I went home, safe, and write this to tell you that it was, it is, really really AMAZING!!
"once in a while, you got to see everything with the naked wide eyes open, then you'll see everything and you will just realize that everything is beautiful"