The biggest joke most people often said to me is “Graduate soon, and get a good job”
“I love what I have, I am, and I will - learned/learning/learn”
I was at the middle of the busy harbor, where I had no destination to go. People were busy taking chances on every room opens. They didn't even realize that the rooms were only for 2 people. It were just small and few rooms and there were hundreds of them filling their own paper written their name with their medals of honor. The papers were selling them in a very low price. But I didn't see what they saw; I saw blindness of unguided innocent and the laugh of the bourgeois. And I realized we were not one of the passengers and we won’t be, we were something underwater they were fishing. It was just a matter of time for me, to became one of them, fighting and racing to take the bait.
Instead of being a fish, being not know about their rights is what pissed me off. The government always urge their civilians to get well educated and it’s obliged for them to have 9 years education (wajib belajar sembilan tahun) and the mindset plays in the society is, the higher education you get, the closer you are to success, WTF! Indeed 9 years of education is okay, but if we are planning to continue more, we have to be ready to suffer more. The university ONLY promises the facilities of “efforts to make you smart”, there are several options; S1, D3, D2, D1 they are the name of strata and class based on the ability of a person could pay the certificate. And it leads us to what? To jobless, no direction, and confusing stage of life where we should knock on each big door to beg for future.
What is missing from the promise? The future of course! They trained us to play, but not giving us the space to play. Moreover, they add much much much more numbers of player who will try to kill each others. Every years, the university recruits and graduates so many many numbers of students, and makes them what??
"once you get a chance, you kill another chance of a person"
What makes me sick is, I am being blind of (or maybe there are no) responsibilities from the university for creating hundreds or thousands players every years to play the deadly game called career. Oh I am sorry, they don’t create a good players, they create a certificated players based on the final piece paper the handed to them. What is really the university after for recruiting so many students at their university? Does the university realize that they just create a non-educated but certificated people? Or it is just the matter of money? The university MUST reconsider the action for opening the college for so many students, not just taking the profits from the students. The university should guarantee that they can make a very smart, clever, and educated people who can change and help the world, not just graduated jobless bullshit people. The last, they must provide space, future, to the graduated student to continue their career.
And this is the third JOB Fair I have visited this month. This time, the view of the sea full of people with no direction has slapped me in my face! Those smart, educated, bright people should not be here. The university that had graduated them at least should take a little responsibility to their future. Not only just provides place to study, but also a place to be. Ironically, we are, I am, you are, totally fool, and it just a matter of time I will delete this article and start to beg them for a dirty job.
“we get acknowledged, to change the world, not to serve in the same sick world”