"mulailah mendengar, membaca, melihat, lalu bercerita, menulis, dan memotret" -- af
Sunday, December 23, 2012
welcoming changes.
I have spent several times photographing the development of my hometown, Malang. Today, I planned to re-photograph one of the construction, but I was surprised to know the building is almost finished. It was about half year ago since I noticed a new construction in Kedungkandang. I spent several hours to pay a visit, photographing, and collecting information before i find out that it is a construction of a new housing project (rumah susun).
I think that i haven't had the best shot of this construction. I feel that I need to take another shot this morning, so I packed my camera and go to the construction area. I feel a little bit unlucky because I find out that the building is almost finished. But that's okay because I already notice and witness the change of my city, visually. The almost-finished rumah susun will surely triggers interesting development and change worth to be observed further.